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Launched in 2013 by sisters Sarina Peterson (a self-taught cartoonist) and Brianna Rapini (a former biology teacher), the Amoeba Sisters is geared toward high school biology teachers looking to bring creativity to their...
A collaboration between several Virginia-based, Chesapeake Bay-related organizations, this educational website includes lesson plans, field trips, and student projects and activities. The included lesson plans represent...
The Bishop Museum in Honolulu houses a diverse array of exhibits focusing on the natural and cultural history of the Hawaiian islands. The Science Adventure Center of the Bishop Museum is a 16,500 square foot facility...
Biodiversity is a useful measure to help us understand the range of diverse species that make up our ecosystems. Calculating Species Diversity is an H5P interactive tutorial that walks learners through the different...
COSEE-CA is dedicated to creating environments in which collaborations among ocean scientists and K-12 educators flourish. This site provides information on courses, ocean science careers, engaging scientists in...
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