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(4 classifications) (24 resources)

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Diseases and adverse factors (31)
Individual species and groups of fish, A-Z (6)
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Study and teaching. Research (6)



Headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the GLFC coordinates fisheries research, controls the invasive sea lamprey, and facilitates cooperative fishery management among the state, provincial, tribal, and federal management...
The Fisheries Science Department of Humboldt State University offers an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Sciences degree in Aquarium Sciences. To prepare for a career as a professional aquarist or aquarium curator, training...
Kentucky State University conducts degree-granting programs, research, and statewide extension and education in aquaculture. Describes faculty, degree requirements and courses for undergraduate minor and masters degrees...
A repository for Louisiana regional marine science resources. Hands-on Aquatic Education Projects available: attend field trips/camps in a marsh ecosystem; set-up a classroom nursery aquarium for protected fish species;...
Peer-reviewed activities for grades 6-12 as well as non-traditional educational venues are available via this website. Each activity has been correlated to National Science and Social Studies Educational Standards....
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