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This activity demonstrates the additive properties of light. Different-colored lights are shown on the same spot on a screen so that the reflecting light is white. Colored shadows, however, can be made by holding an...
This site from the Exploratorium contains an activity to demonstrate fatigue of the eyes’ motion detectors and the resulting visual illusions. A spiral disk is rotated as the participant stares at it for a few seconds;...
This site from the Exploratorium provides an interesting activity for building a "two-way" mirror. Partners sit on opposite sides of the mirror and adjust the illumination until each gradually assumes aspects of the...
This Exploratorium activity shows how small, fuzzy objects can disappear from view in the absence of eye movement. The site contains instructions for the activity, an explanation of the change in perception, and...
At this website, the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) at the University of Southampton features its research and educational opportunities dealing with noise and vibrations. Users can find materials about...
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