This course provides an introductory algebra course. Topics include groups, vector spaces, linear transformations, symmetry groups, bilinear forms, and linear groups. The materials include lecture notes, exams and...
Algorithms in the "Real World" is a computer science class at Carnegie Mellon University. While the Course Versions links have information primarily related to each semester's offerings, the rest of the material on this...
The American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT) is a professional, nonprofit association of physicians with recognized expertise in medical toxicology, whose mission is to ensure that patients exposed to poisons and...
The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) has compiled a collection of mathematics resources related to various subjects and disciplines. “Math Across the Community College Curriculum” is the...
Part of MIT\'s innovative OpenCourseWare Project, that provides materials from MIT classes to the public on the web, this site provides materials on how to apply new technologies to improve the efficiency and technology...
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